Mission Statement
At Pittsburg Youth Soccer Club (PYSC) our mission is to develop players at an elite competitive level. All while building strong character through the sport of soccer and building strong minded and determined young men and women. We believe that building highly competitive characters through sport, helps prepare these young men and women for life after youth sports. By exposing players to morals such as hard work, commitment, team building, discipline, etc., we hope to prepare them for the real world and, in the process, provide the opportunity to work towards furthering their soccer careers through the exposure of high level league play, tournaments, and scouting events; leading to potential opportunities to play college level soccer or higher levels of play.
Why choose Pittsburg Youth Soccer Club?
- COMMUNITY: Our goal is to be a major contributor in leading the way for youth soccer development in our community. We want to inspire a lifelong love and appreciation for the sport.
- RESPECT: Everyone matters. We communicate respectfully with each other and with others (Officials, Coaches, Teammates and Opposition). Be thoughtful and considerate.
- HONESTY: Everyone is accountable for their actions. Telling the truth at all times, even if it doesn’t benefit you and not making false promises.
- COMMITMENT: We expect our players and Coaches to give their full commitment at both training and games. “The way we practice is the way we play!”.
- TEAMWORK: We have a culture of “WE before ME” and there is not “I” in “TEAM”. We win as a team and we lose as a team. Our goal is to ensure that no individual is bigger than the club and we are willing to support and push one another to their maximum potential. At PYSC, we all work together towards a common goal.
- FUN: Having fun is the key to every young soccer player’s success. Fun makes everyone say “I want to do it again!”.
Train Hard, Play Hard!
P.Y.S.C. discovered a growing need for quality individual training without long-term commitments like Club or League Memberships. We recognized that some players simply need supplemental training to get them prepared for a tryout, season or to improve a particular piece of their game. During the off-season some families have no one to turn to for assistance.
We asked many soccer families how they handled getting their child prepared for a tryout and/or supplemental training and found that many families would try and do it themselves with little to no success and in some instances doing more harm than good because they simply don’t have the expertise to prepare their child. We sometimes call these DIYs “YouTube Coaches”
In Summary it is a “pay as you go” method.
Just like individuals sometimes need help, so do Teams. We have also found/seen many Coaches that hit a wall with their team and/or are the sole trainer for a particular team and risk having their team “tune them out” for one reason or another. Sometimes a few sessions with a different Trainer/Coach is what is needed to get their team back on track. A good example of keeping things fresh is our flagship Gold Premier Team (99 Boys) that has 3 Coaches and 1 Trainer (4 staff members in all) that alternate on different days and cover specific elements of their play I.e. Strength and Conditioning, Tactical, Foot Skills, Etc …